Columbia University still has ‘whites only’ scholarship

Texte selectate sau scrise de echipa redacţională: Vasile Ernu, Costi Rogozanu, Florin Poenaru.

“Columbia University still offers a “whites only” tuition fellowship, which is restricted to “a person of the Caucasian race” and may be in violation of the US Constitution, a Manhattan Supreme Court wrote in papers filed Monday.

Facing massive condemnation upon the discovery of this discriminatory restriction, Columbia University has called for an end to the scholarship program that came out of a fund now worth about $800,000.

The Lydia C. Roberts Graduate Fellowship, which was established in 1920, only considers Americans who are from Iowa, not studying law, “of the Caucasian race”, and returning to Iowa for at least two years upon graduation. A court order is required in order to change the conditions of the fellowship.”

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