
The historical significance of Traian Băsescu’s suspension

Twenty years ago, in March 1992, NSF (National Salvation Front) split into two factions: the DNSF (Democratic National Salvation Front) – led by Ion...

Counterproductive paradigms of poverty and the need for a socialist party in Parliament

I maintain that the Indignant or the “99%”, the aggressive atheism, the relative poverty and flexicurity concepts are counterproductive for the cause of poverty...

Those Protesting in Romania Today

In a paper already famous - “Time for Outrage” - Stéphane Hessel urges his readers to get outraged, claiming that the basic ground for...

CriticAtac between forceful overtaking of power and the “democratic” hysteria of the opposition: we refuse to take part in a public extortion

We have been witnessing during the past few month the overtaking of power by the new majority parliament coalition formed around the Social Liberal...

Who We Are

CriticAtac is a social, intellectual and political critique group. Our group’s ideology is mainly leftist, but we are no ideological faction and don’t go...

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