Fidesz blames former PM as protesters storm, break into ruling party’s headquarters compound

Texte selectate sau scrise de echipa redacţională: Vasile Ernu, Costi Rogozanu, Florin Poenaru.

“Several dozen protesters turned up at the Budapest headquarters of the ruling Fidesz party on Thursday to demonstrate against the planned amendment to the constitution.

The civil protesters climbed over the front gate and into the garden of the building but they did not manage to get into the building itself.

The demonstrators then started a sit-in with the banners: “the constitution is not a game”, “fair campaign, free elections!” displayed, as well as others critical of legislation against the homeless and ones calling for an independent judiciary, freeing churches from state control and free university studies.

MTI’s correspondent said the demo was “spontaneous” and not organised by any single organisation.

About half a dozen police cars arrived at the scene, and one of them crashed with another vehicle in front of the building.”

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