Bono, Geldof. Cît e ajutor pentru Africa, cît e orbire?

Texte selectate sau scrise de echipa redacţională: Vasile Ernu, Costi Rogozanu, Florin Poenaru.

Un text despre situaţia Etiopiei, despre rolul ajutoarelor, nu aşa de pozitiv cum şi-au imaginat cruciaţii pop ai luptei cu sărăcia, Bono sau Geldof, o critică necruţătoare a naivităţilor vestice în relaţie cu Africa. David Rieff, în The New Republic:

Neither Geldof nor Bono has ever been willing to accept that, however wellintended, the premise of Live Aid was flawed from the start. Amid criticism of the ways in which the monies from Live Aid were being used by international relief agencies to fund programs connected with resettlement, Geldof told The Irish Times that “the organizations that are participating in the resettlement effort should not be criticized…. In my opinion, we’ve got to give aid without worrying about population transfers.” The way in which both men have capitalized on their new status as global consciences to rescue their pop music careers has been grotesque, but their sincerity is beyond doubt. Yet their competence to hold the opinions that they peddle is another matter. What is so great about sincerity if it leads not to understanding but to mystification? And what transpired in Ethiopia between 1983 and 1986 has been abundantly mystified.

Articol complet aici.

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