Don Kalb

Don Kalb este profesor de sociologie şi antropologie socială la Universitatea Central Europeană (CEU) din Budapesta, Ungaria, şi “Senior Researcher” la Universitatea din Utrecht, Olanda. În trecut a fost “Senior Fellow” la Institute for Human Sciences (IWM) din Vienna, unde a condus programul SOCO (Consecinţele sociale ale transformărilor economice din Europa Centrală şi de Est). Dintre cărţile sale amintim: Expanding Class: Power and Everyday Politics in Industrial Communities, The Netherlands, 1850-1950 (Durham and London, Duke University Press), 1997; (ed.) The Ends of Globalization. Bringing Society back in, (Boulder and London, Rowman and Littlefield Publishers), 2000; (ed.) Globalization and Development: Key Issues and Debates (Dordrecht, Kluwer Academic Publishers), 2004; (ed.) Critical Junctions: Anthropology and History beyond the Cultural Turn (Oxford and New York; Berghahn publishers), 2005.

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