Alexis Tsipras: «The Europe we want»

Texte selectate sau scrise de echipa redacţională: Vasile Ernu, Costi Rogozanu, Florin Poenaru.

Sursa (fragment)

The European Left is the main political force of change in Europe.

• We support the immediate repeal of the Memoranda and the coordinated reflation of all European economies.

• We want a genuine European Central Bank, acting as lender of last resort not only for banks but also for states.

• We believe that Europe needs its own Glass-Steagall Act in order to separate commercial and investment banking activities and prevent such a dangerous merge of risks into one uncontrolled entity.

• We want effective European legislation which taxes offshore economic and entrepreneurial activities.

• We are in the forefront of the fight against corruption of all forms. Our priority is to combat corporate corruption and enhance the ability of people and organisations to resist it. Corruption on the part of large companies, with their headquarters in large European countries, entails an economic and social cost for the people of those countries as well.

• We support the collective, credible

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and definite resolution of the Eurozone debt crisis through a European Debt Conference, predicated on the 1953 London Conference for Germany’s debt.

• We are working to dwindle fascism and Nazism in Europe, instead of dwindling democracy, as austerity does.

In place of a Europe that redistributes income to the rich and fear to the poor, we propose our own Europe of solidarity, economic and social security, employment and prosperity.

CriticAtac este o platformă care militează pentru posibilitatea exprimării libere şi în condiţii de egalitate a tuturor vocilor şi opiniilor. De aceea, comentariile care aduc injurii, discriminează, calomniează şi care în general deturnează şi obstrucţionează dialogul vor fi moderate iar contul de utilizator va fi permanent blocat.

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