Saracia din Romania in termeni comparativi

Texte selectate sau scrise de echipa redacţională: Vasile Ernu, Costi Rogozanu, Florin Poenaru.

Sursa: Heterodox

6,6 milioane de români suferă de lipsuri materiale severe dintr-un total de aproape 9 milioane de persoane care trăiesc în sărăcie sau riscă să ajungă în această situaţie. 41,4% din populaţia României riscă sărăcia sau excluderea socială, reprezentând 8,89 milioane de persoane dintr-o populaţie totală de 21,47 milioane (nu vazura noul recensamant). Datele au fost colectate la nivelul anului 2010.

Statele UE cu cele mai ridicate procentaje din populaţie care riscă sărăcia sunt Bulgaria (42%), România (41%), Letonia (38%), Lituania (33%) şi Ungaria (30%). La polul opus se regăsesc Cehia (14%), Suedia şi Olanda (15% fiecare), Austria, Finlanda şi Luxembourg (17% fiecare).

poverty roania 2010


The highest at-risk-of-poverty rates in 2008 were found in Latvia (26%), Romania (23%), Bulgaria (21%), Greece, Spain and Lithuania (all 20%), and the lowest in the Czech Republic (9%), the Netherlands and Slovakia (both 11%), Denmark, Hungary, Austria, Slovenia and Sweden (all 12%). It should be noted that the at-risk-of-poverty rate is a relative measure of poverty, and that the poverty threshold varies greatly between Member States.

In 20 of the 27 Member States, child at-risk-of-poverty rates were higher than for the total population. In 2008, the at-risk-of-poverty rate for those aged up to 17 years was 20% in the EU27. The highest rates were recorded in Romania (33%), Bulgaria (26%), Italy and Latvia (both 25%), and the lowest in Denmark (9%), Slovenia and Finland (both 12%). Elderly people also face a higher risk of poverty than the total population. In 2008, the at-risk-of-poverty rate for those aged 65 years and over was 19% in the EU27. The highest rates were observed in Latvia (51%), Cyprus (49%), Estonia (39%) and Bulgaria (34%), and the lowest in Hungary (4%), Luxembourg (5%) and the Czech Republic (7%). Being employed significantly reduces the risk of poverty. In 2008, the at-risk-of-poverty rate for those in employment was 8% on average in the EU27, ranging from 4% in the Czech Republic to 17% in Romania.

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