SYRIZA London: Public talk by Alexis Tsipras

Texte selectate sau scrise de echipa redacţională: Vasile Ernu, Costi Rogozanu, Florin Poenaru.

“Comrades and friends,

Europe is on edge. Two worlds collide.

On one side stand the productive forces of democracy, the people fighting to create a society of justice, equality and freedom.

On the other side, a neoliberal biopolitical project unfolds. Its aim is to control bodies and minds through the politics of fear. To discipline human life in its entirety.

To intensify the exploitation of labour and to increase the profits of capital.

I am privileged to address you here in the heart of London today to declare that we are part of the experiment of democracy.

We in SYRIZA believe that radical democratic changes are the only way out of the crisis for the people of Europe.

This is not an optimistic illusion.

It is the compelling conclusion of rational argument and detailed analysis.

It is widely accepted that the strategy of European Elites and the Greek government cannot provide a viable prospect of exit from the crisis.”

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