Acasă Insert Rescuers battle on as toll rises to 175 at collapsed Dhaka factory block that supplied Primark

Rescuers battle on as toll rises to 175 at collapsed Dhaka factory block that supplied Primark


În sweat-shop-uri producţia trebuie să meargă înainte chiar şi după ce clădirea a început să se dărîme:

“Rescuers in Bangladesh are battling to save those trapped in the rubble of a collapsed building that contained garment factories as the death toll soared to at least 175. Many more hundreds of people were injured.

Hundreds of members of rescue teams, assisted by members of the military, frantically tried to clear rubble and debris amid fears that the death toll could rise yet higher.

The eight-storey building containing the factories which produced garments for several Western brands including Primark and Walmart, had been inspected on Tuesday and was found to have cracks.

But officials said the owners of the building assured the 2,000-odd employees that there was no danger and told them to carry on with their work.”

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