Protestatari agresați

Texte selectate sau scrise de echipa redacţională: Vasile Ernu, Costi Rogozanu, Florin Poenaru.

Redăm aici un eveniment petrecut ieri la marșul din București.

2 of my feminists friends were harassed during today’s march against gold-mining for carrying a sign with an anti-capitalist message. I was right in front of my friends and one of them yelled at me. I turned back and this huge guy starts to hit me. When i asked them why they hit me they told me that i am not wearing a national flag and anyone in this march should wear a flag (it is true that i had no signs or flag on me). The guy next to him told me that we are in romania and everyone should speak romanian (it is also true that i was speaking english with some canadian and spanish friends right in front). The organizers/especially a very nervous Claudiu Craciun could not do

anything because they don’t want a general fight, that we provoked them and that we were the ones that “probably” started the fight. The aggressors were some random thugs with basarabia tshirts that no one knew (not even the guys from “basarabia pamant romanesc” group). instigators anyone? why do they need protection?

— at Casa Poporului.


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