E bine că reintroduc stema pe steag. Să avem ce decupa

Texte selectate sau scrise de echipa redacţională: Vasile Ernu, Costi Rogozanu, Florin Poenaru.

În consiliul pentru dezbaterea amendamentelor pentru noua constituţie s-a hotărît ca pe tricolor să reapară o stemă a României. Un comentariu pe facebook: “E bine că reintroduc stema pe steag. Avem ce decupa”.

În “Tarrying with the Negative”, Slavoj Zizek scria despre gaura din steagul Revoluţiei din 1989:

The most sublime image that emerged in the political upheavals of the last years –and the term “sublime” is to be conceived here in the strictest Kantian sense – was undoubtably the unique picture from the time of the violent overthrough of Ceausescu in Romania: the rebels waving the national flag with the red star, the Communist symbol, cut out, so that instead of the symbol standing for the organizing principle of the national life, there was nothing but a whole in its center. It is difficult to imagine a more salient index of open character of a historical situation “in its becoming”…of that intermediate phase when the former Master-Signifier, although it has already lost the hegemonical power, has not yet been replaced by the new one…The masses who poured into the streets of Bucharest “experience” the situation as “open”…they participated in the unique intermediate state of passage from one discourse (social link) to another, when, for a brief, passing moment, the whole in the big Other, the symbolic order, become visible.

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